Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Most Tired Day in My Life

Gosh!! Yesterday was really one of my most tired day in life. Can you guys image, having 9 different wedding, dinner gowns and I have to finish taking photos for those dresses in ONE day time??Only God knows how tired I was yesterday.

It took 12 hours to finish taking all 9 dresses, starting from until 10pm. If 2o posts for 1 dresses, then, Chen and I were like puppet yesterday:20 posts x 9 dresses = 180 posts. :(

Any how I am still happy on yesterday wedding photo section. So, to share with u guys some of the photos we had taken yesterday. For the real photo from studio, u all have to wait for some times before I can post it here.....hehe


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Kean Hong said...

sui la sui la... just keep fit la or else later too fat to wear ...haha

At 10:34 PM, Blogger belle said...

哎哟,当然啦!想也懂啦,这是我keepfit 了2年的代价啦。。


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